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    Hoa Kỳ - Thiên Đường Hạ Giới

    America – the Heaven On Earth
    the first time
    in her short history,
    America is in absolute chaos.
    but it is some else's fault.
    it ain't his excellent leadership,
    but the "foreign" virus from China,
    that has helped his rivals bring his political career down

    anyhow, you must be proud of America
    she is the best of the bests.
    she always is on top of the world
    her citizens are lucky to have her god-chosen leader
    who knows everything from a to z:
    from east to west,
    from left to right,
    from day to night,
    from one end of the universe to the other end.

    you must trust him and follow him all the way.
    he has recently confirmed many times,
    like an old record player has its needle
    running on the same broken track over and over:
    it is really a pandemic
    he has no surprise at all,
    since he has known this fact for a very long time.

    neither listen to left-wing's hoax,
    nor to believe fake news from mainstream media.
    he has put everything under his full control.

    you have heard more and more
    of his sweet promises
    about the rosy picture of America.
    under his magic leadership
    more employment,
    high stock markets,
    healthy economy, etc.
    everything is fantastic.

    it's the damned “China virus”,
    the worst enemy,
    that has wrecked his legacy.
    it has also jeopardized his presidency.

    but don't worry.
    you're about to get sweet candy,
    which would help you
    your bitterness,
    from the current malady.
    he is throwing trillion bucks out in open air.
    each of Americans will get one thousand bucks or a little bit more.
    it isn't his intent
    as bribery to buy your votes,
    not compensation for your pain.
    he wanna spend such a huge amount to “Keep America Great”.
    anyway, your headache must be certainly gone away,
    when you get the hot check in your mailbox.

    ah, my American friends,
    you’re lucky to live in a heaven-on-earth.
    the great America has such an exceptionally caring leader
    who has an extraordinary plan during this extraordinary time.
    what the heck you're complaining about, eh?

    Thao Chuong Tran Quoc Viet
    Why Didn’t I Write Anything on the First Day of Spring?
    after waking up from its long winter-hibernation,
    it has officially arrived yesterday,
    not only, on the calendar
    but also, in the real life.
    the weather was awesomely nice.
    the temperature was over 10 degree Celsius.

    I could emotionally feel;
    everybody was already worn out,
    by the recently
    of the so-called “Social Distancing”.
    therefore, i would believe;
    it was a peaceful moment
    go out,
    joint the crowd,
    and welcome its arrival.

    everyone was in cheery mood
    from getting personal interaction
    without having any fear
    of being infected
    the recently scary virus.

    instead of staying inside at my laptop
    and submerging myself in vast sea,
    of social media
    about the mind-bogging terror
    of human’s doomsday going near;
    I decided to get away
    from the worst malady
    of currently social tsunami.

    I strolled around different places,
    it was a great moment
    to hug it,
    touch it,
    kiss it,
    feel it
    by my five senses of a living being.

    I really enjoyed the existence
    and the authenticity
    its aromatic scent
    and its mood-lifting environment.

    which language of man would be able
    to reflect the beauty of nature?
    it was amazingly pretty.
    wanna spoil
    the awesome moment
    on the first day in Spring.

    Thao Chuong Tran Quoc Viet

    1-     NHUỘM ĐỎ

    Tháng Tư sôi sục Sài Gòn.
    Xe tăng Bắc Việt bon bon tràn vào;
    Cửa Dinh Độc Lập đổ nhào.
    Bao người uất hận, lệ trào, máu rơi.
    Anh hèn bỏ chạy ra khơi.
    Người hùng tự sát chẳng rơi tay thù.
    Đa phần kẹt lại, chờ...tù;
    Bị đày "học tập" thiên thu...mút mùa.

    Ngây thơ nên dễ bị lừa
    Mang theo vật dụng chỉ vừa mấy hôm
    Tin thằng Việt cộng du côn
    Người “tù cải tạo” xác hồn nát tan
    vùi thân địa ngục trần gian
    Đói rét, bệnh hoạn, sức tàn, lực tiêu
    Rừng sâu núi thẳm quạnh hiu
    Thân tù cải tạo khẳng khiu, gầy gò
    (Ước gì được một bữa no,
    rồi ngã lưng xuống ngáy kho một lèo).

    Khỉ ho cò gáy, cheo leo
    Bền tâm vững chí, cố đeo mạng cùi
    Cắn răng, nhịn nhục, rèn trui
    Vẹm càng “cải tạo”, càng nuôi căm hờn.

    Sống thì lây lất xương mòn.
    Chết vùi nắm đất, không nhang, không đèn;
    Chẳng được vợ khóc, con than;
    Bạn tù rơi lệ, miên man thương sầu.

    Cuối cùng thoát kiếp ngựa trâu;
    Thân tàn ma dại, người tù được tha;
    Lê chân về đến cửa nhà.
    Vợ con lưu lạc, đời ra đếch gì?
    Nhà tan, nước mất... còn chi?
    Ngoại trừ thù hận khắc ghi trong lòng.


    Lưu vong, thoát mọi cùm gông
    Tự do, dân chủ thong dong xứ này
    Vết thương rỉ máu đến nay
    Cơn ác mộng đó, chẳng ngày nào quên;
    Như chim đã bị trúng tên
    Cây cong gợi nhớ Vẹm lên cung thù.
    Ám ảnh thật khó mờ lu
    Nhà tan, nước mất...nặng thù trên vai.
    Chống cộng còn biết tin ai?
    Bạn thù lẫn lộn trong ngoài rối beng

    Lằn ranh Quốc cộng chớ quên
    Nhưng đừng đẩy “bạn” sang bên “kẻ thù”
    Xin đừng suy đoán lu bu
    Sợ hãi bóng tối làm mù mắt ta.
    Những người bị Vẹm đày ra;
    Không “độc” như bọn Quốc Gia phản thùng.
    Chúng thề bảo vệ sau lưng;
    Nhưng tươi cười phóng dao, đâm bất ngờ.

    Thôi đừng chỉ trích vu vơ;
    Còn ai chống Vẹm, ai mơ đuổi Tàu?
    Tranh đấu rồi tránh đi đâu?
    Hai phe Quốc cộng chặt đầu chẳng tha.

    Cùng nhân dân quyết đứng ra.
    Diệt loài quỷ đỏ, quê nhà an vui.

    Thảo Chương TQV
    The Modern World - a Global Village Without Border
    please don’t complain about our misfortune.
    China got it first.
    his people in Wuhan has suffered a great deal,
    while we, in West were watching
    much concern.
    practically, social media blamed China
    his rough way
    of dealing with the outbreak.
    since, his lockdown interrupted living rhythms
    and endangered lives of millions.
    he also turned his various
    extremely busy cities
    into ghost

    many born-again Christians and extreme-right Americans
    God to be on their side all the time.
    He somehow sent the deadly virus
    to do Uncle Sam
    a great favor
    by unexpectedly hitting China right on his head.
    so, America were no longer in need
    of the mutually damaging trade war
    to bring her rising rival
    on the ground.

    no one in the West,
    those who living
    in the United States of America
    had expected the dark days of China
    would come to their own shores so soon.

    unfortunately, Wuhan Coronavirus is totally blind.
    it knows nothing about humans’ artificial borders.
    it has no concept of the rich and the poor.
    neither would it do any favor for good guys,
    nor would it have any slight bias to bad ones.
    as soon as, it has reached the shores of Europe and America;
    it has done same shitty damages,
    as it did in China.

    now we’re in our dark days of social and economical malady.
    sadly, it is our turn to taste China’s bitter experience.
    our worse days haven’t yet arrived.
    please don’t waste any time
    to complain
    about our living inconvenience,
    nor cry for our costly loss of lives.
    we’d better be well-prepared for it.
    the pandemic would reach its worst day,
    then it must be faded away.

    China has been gradually getting back to his own feet.
    it is likely a good sign for all of us.
    the current pandemic
    not the doomsday of mankind.

    anyway, we must not lose our individual hope,
    while we’re fighting it,
    at our best.
    most significantly, we must keep
    physically safe,
    mentally sound,
    and essentially alive.
    only those who stand on our own feet
    could eventually enjoy brighter days of our lives again.

    Thao Chuong Tran Quoc Viet

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    Item Reviewed: THI SĨ THẢO CHƯƠNG TQV Rating: 5 Reviewed By: SA CHI LỆ