Cái còng cho những kẻ phản quốc bá đạo Kamunist âm mưu hủy diệt nền Cộng Hòa Hiến Pháp 1776, phá nát HK với xã nghĩa kamunist
Tin nóng !
Tình báo cia vừa tiết
lộ đảng Lừa bá đạo Kamunist và DS cabal cia sẽ giở trò gian lận đánh cắp bầu cử
2024 của TT Trump kỳ này giống như 2020 vậy !
Xin mời quý vị hãy
theo dõi tài liệu mật quan trọng dưới đây để tỏ tường... Có ai giỏi dịch
thuật, hãy dịch sang tiếng Việt để cho bọn cuồng bá đạo đầu bò, óc teo chúng
theo dõi đặng mở óc bò chúng ra mà bớt sủa đỏng làm điếc lổ đít bá tánh..
Border Patrol has reported that the Department of Homeland Security is assisting Kamala Harris by daily transporting illegal migrants from San Diego to Yuma, AZ, where they are then released.
Bombshell news! A cia insider confirms the 2024 election is rigged, with
U.S. presidents selected by global elites, not by the people. Kamala
Harris’ life story is nothing more than a CIA fabrication, while Barack Obama’s
true past is unraveling. America’s future is hanging by a thread,
but Trump is our only hope to take down the deep state and restore
The Great Deception
For years, we’ve been led to believe that our votes decide who sits in the Oval
Office. But what if that’s all a lie? A CIA insider has dropped a bombshell:
U.S. Presidents are selected, not elected, rigged to ensure global elites
maintain control. The shocking truth is finally surfacing, and it's waking
people up across the nation!
Obama, Biden, Harris—all pawns! These figures weren’t propelled to power
by the people, but by shadowy forces intent on controlling every aspect of
American life. Now, as we inch closer to 2024, the stakes have never been
higher. The elites are pulling out all the stops to ensure Biden remains in
power while Harris waits in the wings.
Kamala Harris: A Manufactured Candidate
Recent revelations show that Kamala Harris is nothing more than a CIA creation.
Her rise to power was carefully orchestrated to serve the elite's globalist
agenda. Her entire life story is a fraud, a narrative crafted to fit their need
for a compliant puppet. The American people are being deceived, but they’re
waking up to the truth.
Barack Obama: A Puppet of the Elites
Obama’s rise to power wasn’t the grassroots movement the media portrayed. His
meteoric rise and his presidency were engineered to continue the deep state's
agenda, and he is now being exposed. His past, riddled with inconsistencies,
was hidden by the same global elite working today to dismantle America's
sovereignty. The cracks in the Obama myth are showing, and soon, the full truth
will come to light.
2024: The Most Rigged Election Yet?
The CIA insider confirms what we’ve all feared: the 2024 election will be even
more rigged than 2020. The same tricks are being used again—media manipulation,
rigged ballots, and misinformation to push the global elite’s handpicked
candidate. But this time, the American people are watching.
The elites fear one thing: Trump!
Donald J. Trump remains the biggest threat to their agenda. His presidency
exposed the deep state’s corruption, and they’ve been trying to bring him down
ever since. The global elites fear him because he isn’t one of them. Trump
stands for patriotism, freedom, and American independence—the values they want
to destroy.
They rigged 2020 to stop Trump, but he’s not done fighting. The elites know
he’s coming back stronger than ever, and they’re terrified. That’s why 2024
will be the most dangerous election yet. The deep state is prepared to go to
extreme lengths to hold onto their power, but Trump's base is stronger than
The Awakening Is Happening!
Across the country, patriots are waking up to the truth. They’re seeing through
the lies and standing up against the elite’s manipulation. This isn’t just
about electing Trump—it’s about taking back our country, our freedom, and our
future. The global elite can’t stop the awakening that’s sweeping through
2024 is more than an election—it’s a battle for the soul of the nation. The
global elite is desperate, and they’ll stop at nothing to hold onto power. But
the American people are ready. They want a leader who fights for them, not for
the elites. That leader is Donald Trump, the only candidate who stands for
freedom and America first.
Get ready! The fight for America is about to begin. Victory is within reach,
but only if we stay vigilant. This is our moment!
NATO, backed by the Cabal, has announced its plan to arm Ukraine with nukes to
bomb Russia. Leaked intel reveals that Cabal-supported Israel is also preparing
to bomb Iran before the 2024 Election. Both Ukraine and Israel serve as key
headquarters for the Cabal, heavily funded by US Inc. taxpayer dollars, but
that money is about to vanish!
As these tensions escalate, President Xi of China has ordered his military to
gear up for imminent Nuclear War. The Ukraine conflict is slipping out of
control as Russia dominates, while bombing Iran could spark World War III and
cancel the 2024 Election, allowing Biden and Harris to cling to power.
While these threats of global war loom, Biden and Harris turn a blind eye to
the wars they’ve unleashed within America itself. They’ve manufactured the
Border Crisis, funneling millions of illegal immigrants into the country, some
of whom belong to violent gangs and drug cartels. States like Texas,
California, and Michigan are under siege. Armed gangs have overrun entire
apartment complexes, holding thousands hostage in their own homes!
But the White Hats have stepped in. Trump, Commander in Chief of the Global
Military Alliance, has activated the National Guard to strike back against this
criminal takeover. The White Hat Military is also battling on other fronts. In
the aftermath of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina, FEMA—acting as the Cabal's
military force—is clashing with the White Hats over the region's valuable
lithium deposits. At Chimney Rock, a fierce battle erupted between FEMA and a
group of veterans and retired police known as the Red Hats. After FEMA ambushed
and killed 12 Red Hats, the White Hats joined forces to drive them off the
mountain, even shooting down a FEMA helicopter.
But the war isn't over. The next day, under orders from "President
Harris", a federal convoy blockaded Chimney Rock. Harris' interest in the
area is personal—her husband holds major stock in the Lithium Mine there.
FEMA’s mission? To seize control of the region devastated by the manmade
Hurricane Helene.
Meanwhile, the financial world is on the brink. As of Thurs. 17 Oct. 2024, the
fiat US Dollar is no longer accepted for International Trade, setting up the
Stock Market for imminent collapse. This coincides with the end of US Inc.'s
fiscal year and the collapse of the fiat monetary system. Banks worldwide are
shutting down unless they comply with Basel III, requiring gold-backed
currencies. At the same time, the Quantum Financial System is coming online, as
144 countries activate their gold/asset-backed currencies, trading at 1:1. The
new United States of America Republic has just begun its fiscal year with a
gold-backed US Note under the Global Currency Reset.
The countdown is also on for a Supreme Court decision on the Brunson case,
asking if Congress investigated the 2020 Election fraud. Spoiler: they didn’t!
A positive ruling could overturn the 2020 Election, bringing down the entire
Biden Administration and Congress. The Military is already prepared to step in,
ensuring Trump—the true winner by 80% in every state but one—returns to his
rightful place as President.
The storm is here. A Nuclear World War III could be avoided with the
installation of the Global Currency Reset, as 209 nations have agreed not to
engage in war so they can participate in the new Global Financial System. Once
activated, GESARA/NESARA will return all stolen taxpayer dollars back to The
People and restore the principles of the Original 1776 Constitution.
Buckle up. This week will change everything.
HUNG TIN ẬP TỚI GIỜ CHÓT FBI đột kích phòng chiến dịch tranh
cử kamala harris điêu tra án rửa tiền!
Đảng lừa báđạo
kamunist vừa đẻ ra một sắc lệnh "cho phép quân đội dùng vũ khí sát thương
tấn công bắn bỏ những người dân Mỹ nào lên tiếng phê bình, chỉ trích lên án
chính phủ biden/kamunist"
Tóm tắt tổng hợp tin tức:
1) đảng lừa bá đạo kamunist nghĩ không thể nào thắng nổi TT Trump bầu cử 5/11/24 sắp đến, nên họ lại giở trò xuyên tạc, vu khống tuyên truyền chụp mũ TT Trump là tên độc tài Hitler một cách vô cớ, ngu xuẩn ! Bởi chính họ là những tên độc tài bá đạo gian xảo, ác độc kamunist đã lộ nguyên hình vì đảng lừa bá đạo kamunist vừa đẻ ra một sắc lệnh "cho phép quân đội dùng vũ khí sát thương tấn công bắn bỏ những người dân Mỹ nào lên tiếng phê bình, chỉ trích lên án chính phủ biden/kamunist". Nghe giống y như bọn khủng bố csVN ở trên quê hương đất nước của chúng ta vậy, bọn cuồng Bắt Cụ Trump cuồng bá đạo như lũ tuyên giáo vẹm quỷ trướng huynh q vẹt mac dinh, trần q vẹm, linda ngu, laura kinkley, hoang bach, ngộ ngốc diep, chu tắt tiếng và bè lũ tay sai dư nồn vẹm mang căn bệnh trầm kha TDS thì lại hồ hỡi, tự sướng tán thán hành động của đảng lừa bá đạo kamunist đã làm.
Và đây là sắc lệnh DOD 524001: "The Biden-Kamala administration issued DOD Directive 5240.01, granting the Pentagon, for the first time in history, the authority to use lethal force against Americans on U.S. soil who protest government policies."
Xin mời quý vị theo dõi tài liệu sự thật dưới đây để tỏ tường..
kamalie claimed Trump would use the military against Americans, but two weeks ago, the Biden-Harris administration issued a directive allowing the U.S. military to use legal force against citizens on American soil, potentially authorizing lethal force against political protesters who oppose White House policies.
Auschwitz Survivor, Jerry Wartski: “I know more about Hitler than Kamala will ever know in a thousand lifetimes. For her to accuse President Trump of being like Hitler is the worst thing I've ever heard in my 75 years of living in the United States."
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski goes absolutely unhinged in one of the most insane
rants you’ll ever see. She hits damn near every buzzword/talking point.
-Veterans hoax
-Use Military on political opponents
-“He is killing us” (women)
-You “idiots” are not allowed to question the MSM and their Hitler allegations
These are the deranged ramblings of a terrified propagandist, who knows her
side is about to lose, and her complicity in treason will eventually come
forth. This is insane rhetoric, based exclusively on lies.
The Dems are losing, and the only thing they can do now is try to scare the
public into voting for them. It won’t work.
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