ARVN: 1968 – 1975
by Bill Laurie
RVNAF, the Republic of Viet Nam Armed Forces, underwent a
significant change, both qualitatively and quantitatively, between 1968 and
1975. It was a change that went unnoticed
by the news media and remains generally unknown
to the American public, and is inadequately identified and described in many
would-be "history"books, in part because the nature and
extent of change could not readily be foreseen or predicted
based on RVNAF performance and capabilities up to 1968. None of this is to deny
serious problems existed, or that corruption and poor leadership did not
continue to plague RVNAF's ability to defend the Republic of Viet Nam, yet to a
degree these problems were being addressed and the positive aspects of RVNAF cannot
be excluded from honest history.
I experienced this personally, arriving in Viet Nam in late
1971, serving one year with MACV, and returning for two more years, 1973-1975,
with the Defense Attache Office. Originally scheduled and trained to serve as
an advisor, I attended Infantry Officer Basic at Ft. Benning, Georgia; Combat
Tactical Intelligence and Southeast Asia Orientation at Ft. Holabird, Maryland;
and Viet Namese Language School at Ft. Bliss, Texas. Upon arriving in Viet Nam
I was told advisory slots were being phased out and instead I was assigned to
MACV J-2 as an intelligence analyst, first covering Cambodia and then
concentrating on Military Region IV, covering the entire Mekong Delta.
This job expanded informally and
encompassed liaison work with RVNAF
staff, US advisory teams, GVN provinces, and RVNAF units in the
Delta. During these three years I was, at one time or another, in 18 of the
former RVN's 44 provinces, dealing with not only US and RVNAF elements but also
with the Australians, USAID, and the CIA. I sat in on very high level briefings
at MACV HQ as well as the RVN JGS, while the next week I might be in a Kien
Phong rice paddy with PF troops, or flying across Dinh Tuong province in an
ARVN Huey, or at Tra Cu Ranger Base along the Vam Co Dong River. Of great
importance was the ability to speak Viet Namese, and within one month after
arriving in Viet Nam it was clearly apparent that nothing I'd heard in the US, either the "news reports"or
rather silly debates on college campuses, described what I experienced and
encountered. In sum, I asked myself "If all those people in the U.S. are
talking about Viet Nam, then where am I?" My off-duty hours were spent
entirely within a Viet Namese dimension of reality. Whether in Saigon, or Cao
Lanh, or Rach Gia, I frequented the "quan nho,"the card-table soup
and coffee stands, eagerly listening to Viet Namese people and troops, asking
questions, and learning far, far more than I'd ever learned in the States, or
even knew there was to be learned. My education did not end in 1975. Since then
I have read cubic feet of declassified documents and hundreds of books (to
include works in Viet Namese), interviewed scores upon scores of Southeast
Asia- and US-born veterans of the war, and prowled the internet's hundreds of
Viet Nam and Southeast Asia websites. There remains much, much more to Viet
Nam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand than is suspected by the American public, and
conclusions presenting themselves do not conform to what most people think they know...Yes, there were serious problems with corruption. Yes, there
were examples of inept leadership. Still, no one told me, or even suggested,
that my initial exposure to the ARVN 9th Infantry Division would reveal the
professional and highly competent performance witnessed at a division FDC (Fire
Direction Center for allocation of supporting artillery fire). Nor had anyone
told me that the 7th ARVN Infantry Division, forever condemned by its
lackluster performance at Ap Bac, years earlier, had evolved into a highly
effective unit under the leadership of General Nguyen Khoa Nam, a man of
impeccable integrity and tactical skills who remains unknown to the American
public, while being justly revered by the Viet Namese people. Nor did any
suggest it would even be possible for Hau Nghia Province's RF forces, the
provincial militia, to thoroughly humiliate not one but three NVA regular
regiments during Hanoi's 1972 Offensive, systematically chewing up and spitting
out attacking enemy forces that could have feasibly changed the course of
history during this period. The RF did not have the artillery and air support
available to regular ARVN (to include Airborne and Rangers) and Marine units,
and relied heavily on basic hard-ball infantry skills. Had the NVA broken through
they would have posed an immediate and direct threat to Saigon, a mere 25 miles
away, forcing ARVN 21st Division forces to pull back from QL 13, and thereby
allow NVA forces to direct all their attention to An Loc. As
has been noted by James H. Willbanks(2) in his excellent work,
the 21st division, while not succeeding in breaking through to besieged An Loc,
did force the NVA to divert a division away from An Loc, which conceivably
might otherwise have fallen, with dire consequences.
In sum, RVNAF in its entirety, and often mistakenly referred to
as simply "ARVN,"was capable of far more than I had learned before
going to Viet Nam, and far more than was conveyed to the American people.
Then...and now. Going back to the period discussed in this presentation, it is
acknowledged that RVNAF had serious problems. This is obvious. Were this not
so, U.S., Australian, South Korean, Thai and New Zealand combat units would not
have been required. Still, there were indications of what well-led, properly
armed and equipped RVNAF forces were capable of. In 1966 the 37th ARVN Ranger
battalion decimated an NVA regiment three times its size at Thach Tru, receiving
a Presidential Unit Citation from Lyndon Johnson for its feat. An American
advisor to the 37th, Capt. Bobby Jackson, described his counterpart, company
commander Capt.
Nguyen Van Chinh, as being "utterly fearless."3 The
2nd Marine, or Thuy Quan Luc Chien, Battalion, whose shoulder patch depicted a
"Trau Dien,"a "Crazy Buffalo,"had likewise bullied VC and
NVA units, demonstrating the appropriateness of their unit symbol (all the more
meaningful for those who've encountered an enraged water buffalo). Their
accomplishments were unreported in the US news media and are ignored in later
day "histories."
By 1968, and in the aftermath of Hanoi's failed '68 strategic
counter- offensive, it was clear to US decision makers that "Viet
Namization"must be accelerated, which many people falsely assume is the
demarcation between a period when RVNAF wasn't fighting, and now would begin to
fight. This overlooks the fact that RVNAF monthly combat fatalities greatly
exceeded those of combined allied forces for the entire war. RVNAF was finally
supplied with modern weapons, replacing the WW II equipment most had been using
(by early 1968 only 5% of RVNAF were using the M-16 rifle), generally inferior
to VC/NVA weaponry. Concurrently, RVNAF strength increased the board:
1968 1972
Regular Forces
Army 380,000 410,000 Plus 30,000/7.9%
Air Force 19,000 50,000
Plus 31,000/163%
Navy 19,000 42,000 Plus 23,000/110%
Marines 9,000 14,000 Plus
Total Regular 427,000 516,000 Plus 89,000/21% RF/PF Militia*
RF 220,000 284,000 Plus 64,000/29%
PF 173,000 248,000
Total 393,000 532,000 Plus 139,000/35%
Overall Total 820,000 1,048,000 Plus
*The term "militia"is often used yet may wrongly
suggest the final evolution of these elements took the form of part-time
irregulars. Sometimes referred to as "territorials,"the RF(Regional
Forces, or Dia Phuong Quan) and PF(Popular Forces, or Nghia Quan) were full
time military units, typically limited to their home province, or district,
As can be seen, "ARVN"-the Republic of Viet Nam ARMY,
was only one component-56%-of the total armed forces. There were yet other
elements, to include the National Field Force Police, People's Self Defense
Force/Nhan Dan Tu Ve (PSDF), and Rural Developemt (RD) teams. While the latter
were not considered full- time combat troops, and the PSDF often ridiculed,
they were an impediment to the VC/NVA. In one case, not known to be documented,
an RD cadre team turned back a VC battalion in Vinh Long province, its members
skilled in calling in province artillery.5 While the PSDF were too young, too
old, or too disabled to join the regular military, serving only as a village
hamlet defense force against local VC tax, recruiting, or agitprop teams, they
were another factor the local communists had to deal with, and one that had not
been in place before 1968, when local VC could freely enter hamlets at night.
Sometimes the PSDF were ineffectual, and
sometimes they were propagandized into joining the VC (6), yet
at other times:
"...they (two VC) were trying to
abduct a member of the PSDF when another PSDF appeared on the scene and
shot both of them dead with an M-1. An
AK-47 and 9mm Chicom pistol were captured."
And... "Both Prey Vang and Tahou hamlets received small
arms fire and B-40s tonight. The local PSDF managed to drive off two light
ground probes."(7)
It was also an 18-year-old PSDF member who knocked out the first
of many tanks destroyed at An Loc in the 1972 siege. (8)
Hanoi was not pleased:
"They [RVNAF] strengthened puppet [sic] forces,
consolidated the puppet [sic] government, and established an outpost network and People's Self
Defense Force organizations in many villages. They provided more technical
equipment for, and increased mobility of, puppet [sic] forces, establishing
blocking lines, and created a new defensive and oppressive system in densely
populated areas. As a result, they caused many difficulties and inflicted
losses on friendly [VC] forces."9
This would not and could not have happened prior to 1968's
creation and arming of PSDF with cast-off WWII weapons passed down from main
force RVNAF elements. Likewise, the RF/PF, with assistance of US Mobile
Advisory Teams (MATs), belatedly employed in 1968 (10), and armed with better
weapons, began making progress, as witnessed in 1970 by MAT member David
Donovan during a classic infantry assault:
"We had just gotten past the major infestation of booby
traps when we began to receive fire from a tree line in front of us. Water
spouted up around us, bullets whined overhead, and we heard the stuttered
popping of light small arms fire. The men reacted well now, not like the early
days when getting any reaction from them under fire was next to impossible.
Sergeant Abney took the rear of the column and swung around to the right, using
it as a maneuver element while those of us in the front returned fire. When
Abney's troops got to a good protected position they stopped and began firing
themselves. Under the cover of their fire we moved ahead to yet another
position. In this back-and-forth stepwise manner Abney's and my group finally
got to the tree line and into the direct assault. Three men in the element I
was with had been hit, I didn't know how badly, but everyone kept moving up. We
had done well."11
Donovan's experience was not unique.
Advisor John Cook recalled his optimism of 1970:
"We [Cook and his Viet Namese counterparts] were riding
high, feeling almost indestructible. The morale and aggressiveness in the
district was extremely high, causing us to pursue the enemy with almost
reckless abandonment."12
Performance of this caliber was not universal. There were units
that did not respond to changing times and remained plagued by poor leadership,
complete absence of aggressive patrolling and tactics, and instances in which
American advisors may have been killed, or threatened by, RF/PF counterparts
with whom they did not get along.13 Other American advisors did not encounter
these unpleasantries but were unimpressed with their advisee charges. Still, accounts
of favorable experiences and observations abound, yet are virtually absent from
the national discussion and common American perceptions, or what is taught in
our schools.
Improvement, or outright excellence, was not limited to the
territorial forces, and ARVN infantry divisions- admittedly not
all-demonstrated aggressive tactical brilliance. Quang Tri Pacification advisor
Richard Stevens, who'd served a prior tour in the Marines, was amazed at the
performance of ARVN 1st Division elements successfully attacking an NVA rocket
launch site:
"I was totally impressed and just
dazzled actually, by the way they operated and by their daring in doings things This was the thirteenth operation like
this that this guy [a battalion XO] had led. You're talking about
people that are total experts at what
they're doing and who have done so many hair-raising things already and are
still doing it. ... This regiment's advisors told me all the time I went there
that..................................................................... you're
working with the best
now. There's nothing we can tell these guys about anything.
We're [the advisors] just fire support people. But as far as knowing how to
operate, they're the ones that teach us.' We had both Australian and American
advisors; they all said the same thing."14
To the south, in MR IV's Dinh Tuong Province, the 7th ARVN
division also performed flawlessly, as testified by advisors and US
"slick"pilots who flew 7th division troops on combat assaults. While
the 7th, perhaps by virtue of the Ap Bac debacle of 1963, was termed by some a
"search and avoid"unit, those working directly with the 7th have
nothing but praise and admiration for the 7th's aggressiveness and tactical
expertise. A former NVA infiltrator testified to the ARVN 7th's prowess:
liberated zone was shrinking I
spent more and more time moving around, trying to stay away from
ARVN operations. "In Ben Tre [AKA Kien Hoa Province] it was
mainly the ARVN 7th division that was causing problems. Most of the division
was recruited from the Delta so they knew the whole area. They were just as
familiar with it as we were."15
Conditions became even worse as newly arrived NVA fillers to
"VC"units did not know the area at all and were ill-equipped to wage
the tree-line warfare of the northern delta. One POW indicated he was captured
shortly after arriving when he and others were assigned to ambush a 7th
division sweep the following day. In place before dawn, the would-be ambushers
were hit from behind by 7th division flank elements ahead of the main body.16
The results of this became increasingly evident between 1968 and 1971, a period
during which US troop strength was reduced by more than half, and decline in
VC/NVA offensive operations was clear and distinct:
1968 1972 1968-1972 Change
US Forces 537,000 224,000 Down 312,000/58%
VC/NVA Bn Atks 126 2 Down
Small Scale Atks 3,795 2,242 Down 1,553/41% Terrorist Atks
32,362 22,700 Down 9,662/30% Assassinations 5,389* 3,573 Down 1,816/34%
Abductions 8,759** 5,006 Down 2,573/43% Percentage Secure 47 84 Up 37/56% Hamlets
Rice Growing
Area 2,296 2,522 Up 226/9.8% (1,000 Hectares)
VN Civilians Admitted to
Hospital For War-Related Injuries(% total Population)
88,149 39,402 Down 48,474/55%
VC/NVA Strength 250,300 197,700 Down 52,600/21%
*Excludes assassination victims at Hue
**Few abductees ever
returned. They are assumed to have been killed.
The disparity of change between VC/NVA strength and offensive
actions is illustrative: Percentage Drop, 1968-1971
VC/NVA Bn. Sized Attacks 98% Abductions 43%
Small Scale Attacks 41% Assassinations 34%
Terrorism 30%
VC/NVA Strength 21%
The percentage decline in all forms of VC/NVA offensive
operations declined more than did overall strength figures, indicating a
decrease in overall military capabilities below that expected from a 21% troop
strength drop. This occurred while American troop strength declined 58%. Not
only were there fewer VC/NVA in country but they less capable of initiating
offensive operations. Little doubt exists that many Viet Nam statistics were of
questionable veracity, and the HES rating (secure hamlets) in particular is
frequently and justifiably damned for inaccuracies, yet the trend line is clear
and there is no body of evidence, statistical or anecdotal, suggesting anything
but a precipitous decline in VC/NVA fortunes between 1968 and 1971. While the
VC, as distinct from the NVA, were not completely destroyed, and pockets of
strong VC influence and control remained in such provinces as Chuong Thien,
Dinh Tuong, Quang Nam and Quang Ngai, the indigenous VC were no longer a
strategic force and had it not been for massive NVA infiltration and provision
of modern weaponry, the war were have gradually expended itself. Even those VC
units and areas that remained were entirely dependent on the NVA for their
survival. "Anti-war"writer Frances FitzGerald, author of Fire in the
Lake (ironically enough
thoroughly lambasted by both Hanoi chief ideologue Nguyen Khac
Vien and NLF/Hanoi supporter Ngo Vinh Long) acknowledged survival odds for both
VC and RVNAF troops, in 1966 was 50-50, yet by 1969 VC survival odds plummeted
to 10% while an RVNAF soldier had a 90% survival chance.18 Nguyen Van Thanh,
after 23 years as a Viet Cong, defected in 1970, viewing the NLF cause as
hopeless, citing improved RVNAF operations, expansion of district PF and PSDF
programs, and the GVN's impending land reform program as factors he could no
longer deal with.19 Stanley Karnow states forthrightly in his profoundly
over-rated book, without ever having explained how this all came about, that by
1971 "...the Viet Cong alone was no match for the Saigon government
Don Colin spent years in Viet Nam and was widely renowned for
his gruff, excessively blunt rejection of anything he viewed as, and
vociferously damned, as utter bullsh-t. He suffered through the frustrating
difficulties, false-starts, and the very same problems viewed as constant
unchanging universals, if not harbingers of doom. Yet by 1971 he saw the
cumulative results materialize in the delta:
"Thirty months ago the number of
good leaders in MR IV could be measured on one hand. Even the corps commander,
while he was a good, honest and fairly capable leader, was shy, unimaginative
and not capable of stirring his subordinates to aggressive and positive
activity. Division commanders were largely incompetent and most Province chiefs
were largely incompetent and corrupt. Subordinate commanders not only mirrored
but in most case magnified these faults. Now, the overall level of competence,
honesty and dedication has risen to levels I would previously have thought
unimaginable................. This
particular change has made me more
sanguine regarding the ultimate ability of the Government to
fully control Viet Nam and establish a stable government."21
Then came Hanoi's 1972 offensive, a
conventional blitzkrieg characterized by modern heavy weapons and introduction
of such lethal devices as the SA-7 Grail anti-aircraft missile, the AT-3
wire-guided Sagger missile, and a veritable armada of T-54 tanks supported by
several hundred 122mm and 130mm artillery pieces, superior to anything and
everything in the US-supplied RVNAF artillery arsenal. RVNAF took some heavy
hits; it appeared at times as if the end might be near and collapse imminent,
yet RVNAF took a standing 8 count, recovered and blunted the heaviest offensive
to date in Viet Nam. None other than America's preeminent VN scholar, Douglas
Pike, declared Hanoi's invasion failed because " the
South Viet Namese outfought the
invaders from the North."22 Many commentators, to include
Gen. Ngo Quang Truong, cite American air power as a decisive factor, and it was
pivotal. Yet the implication that RVNAF would not or could not fight without US
airpower omits consideration of two key points. First, US troops would have
expected, and been entitled to, the exact same air power that was used to
support RVNAF. Secondly, and this point is seldom recognized: US airpower was a
compensatory factor countering both superior NVA armor and, most significantly,
superior artillery, the accurate 122mm and 130mm guns delivering massive
destruction at ranges up to 19 miles. The US did not provide its ally, the
Republic of Viet Nam, with as good an arsenal, especially in the realm of
artillery, as the Soviets and Chinese Communist provided Hanoi. Hanoi had
hundreds of 122mm and 130mm guns; RVNAF had no artillery sufficient to fire
counter-battery, and had only two dozen or so 175mm guns, which are not as
accurate as and have a lower cyclic rate of fire than 122s and 130s. Not even
reinforced bunkers can withstand 130mm rounds with delayed fuses. Finally,
again addressing the subject of airpower, RVN's own air force performed
admirably during the 1972 battles, yet remain ignored by American commentators.
An American FAC admired the VNAF A-37 pilots with whom he conducted an air
strike against NVA positions:
"His dive took him down within
range of automatic weapons and sure enough as I saw several lines of tracer
ammo arcing toward Pepper lead, I shouted a warning. I saw him release his
bombs at the very low altitude and score a perfect hit on the wall. In their
succeeding passes, the VNAF pilots scored perfect hits each time and each time they were met by a
hail of ground fire. ground
fire [against the aircraft] was extremely
The North Viet Namese seemed to know their antagonists were South Viet
"I fully expected the A-37s to be shot down but both
delivered all their ordnance unscathed. The two VNAF pilots put on quite a show
and I admired their bravery if not their good sense."23
This was not an isolated incident, as
attested by another American observer:
came into its own during the 1972 offensive. In the defense of Kontum the VNAF has been
magnificent, absolutely
RVNAF took Hanoi's best shot in 1972, a shot far exceeding '68
Tet battles in terms of troop numbers and firepower. Roughly 150,000 NVA were
believed to have been committed in the offensive's first phase, and another
50,000 deployed as the battles ensued. Tet '68 on the other hand, saw 84,000
VC/NVA committed, with limited artillery and armor (excepting MR I).
RVNAF continued to do reasonably well after the fraudulent Paris
"Peace" Accords were signed and promptly violated. By late September 1973
an RVNAF task force had driven the 1st NVA division out its Seven Mountains
redoubt and inflicted such heavy casualties that the 1st was disbanded, its
surviving members parceled out to other units. A few months later the ARVN 7th
division launched a major operation to drive NVA units out their Tri Phap base
area in the Dinh Tuong-Kien Tuong-Kien Phong tri-border area, inflicting heavy
casualties. Tri Phap had never been penetrated throughout the war and was
characterized by hardened defensive positions; the defeat was so humiliating
that communist authorities were cautioned to hide this defeat from their troops
lest they become demoralized.25 The Polish and Hungarian delegates to the
impotent ICCS (International Commission for Control and Supervision (of the
"cease fire")) doubled as spies for the Hanoi's communists. One of
their 1973 reports stated no VC units (what few there were) were equal to RVNAF regulars, and even the NVA's best
weren't comparable to RVNAF's Airborne or Marines.26
By mid-1974 however US aid cutbacks began to slowly strangle
RVNAF, and it would only get worse from thereon out. By 1975 the Available
Supply Rates (ASR) for artillery rounds had plummeted to unacceptable low
levels (per tube, per day):
1972 1975
105mm 180 10 Down 170/94%
155mm 150 5 Down 145/97%
175mm 30 3 Down 27/90% (27)
Everything was cut to the bone, and into the marrow. Some
infantry troops were provided a basic load of 60 M- 16 rounds, per week. Some
units forbid troops from firing M-16s on full automatic. Infantry units in
contact were sometimes limited to two artillery rounds on call unless being
overrun. Lack of spare parts forced mothballing of tanks, river patrol boats,
and aircraft. Worse yet, RVNAF troops and their families suffered under an
economy shredded by 50% inflation and a 25% unemployment rate. A US DAO study
conducted in 1974 revealed 82% of RVNAF did not receive enough food to meet
family needs.28 Hunger and malnutrition eroded morale and combat capabilities.
The situation worsened in following months, and was sickening to watch, a
veritable death by a thousand cuts. A year later, when the GVN finally
collapsed and, as can be inferred from reading would-be history books, many
Americans were apparently surprised, wondering how everything could collapse
overnight. The more intriguing question is how RVNAF fought on as long as it
did after mid- 1974, with inadequate weapons, equipment, munitions, fuel,
medical supplies, a constantly empty stomach, and an equally hungry family.
Once the dam broke and the rout began following Thieu's order to pull out of
the Highlands, chaos and panic took over, helped in part by confusing and
changing orders emanating from the Presidential palace. As ignominious as the
final collapse was, there were more than a few little "Alamos"as
RVNAF defenders fought to the end. The 18th infantry division's stand at Xuan
Loc was an epic battle, yet the 1st Airborne Brigade's presence and role in
this very same battle is virtually unknown. While MR II was collapsing and the
end appeared near, ARVN 7th division troops defeated an NVA attempt to cut QL
4, the sole highway connecting the Mekong Delta to Saigon. On the final day,
the "ngay quoc han (day of national indignation),"an AC-119K gunship
flown by Lts. Thanh and Tran Van Hien circled Saigon providing fire support for
the last units engaged. Out of fuel and munitions, they landed to refuel and
re-arm and were told by their operations officer they need not take off again,
all was lost. Lt.s Thanh and Hien stood firm, received their fuel and munitions
and, accompanied by two A-1H Skyraiders piloted by a Major Truong Phung and a
Captain Phuc, resumed their desperate battle. Only Capt. Phuc survived,
strafing until he ran out of ammunition. Lt.s Thanh and Hien, along with Major
Truong Phung, all met their deaths, shot down by SA-7 missiles. They fought to
the very end.29
Overall, no military, as starved as RVNAF was, could have
withstood the NVA onslaught, as engorged as the NVA were with communist bloc
artillery, armor, weapons, fuel, troop transport trucks, and munitions. As it
was, even though RVNAF was gutted by aid cutbacks, it took everything the NVA
had. Approximately 400,000 communist forces, almost 90% NVA, were required to
defeat RVNAF. Hanoi had never before fielded a force
as large and as modern as it did in 1975. It had never pulled
all its units out of Laos and Cambodia.
Quantitatively, the 400,000 is just under 5 times the VC/NVA
forces committed in Tet '68, yet qualitatively, enhanced by hundreds of long
range artillery pieces, hundreds of tanks, thousands of trucks, and a complete
arsenal of modern weaponry, the 1975 legions had more than 5 times the combat
capability of Tet '68 forces. Examining matters from another perspective, it
can be safely asserted that had the NVA been as enervated by supply cuts as was RVNAF, it could
never have launched much less sustained its final offensive. Superior fire
power proved decisive, hardly a novel development in military history. By the
end, RVNAF suffered a total of approximately 275,000 combat fatalities
(excluding assassinations), from a country whose average population during the
course of the war was about 17 million. Had the United States, with a
population average of 200 million during the same time frame, sustained
proportional fatalities, the death toll would have exceeded 3,200,000,
necessitating another 56 "Walls"to record the names of the fallen.
This did not go unnoticed by some observers. Sir Robert Thompson, while fully
cognizant of RVNAF's shortcomings and growth pains, concluded:
"They [RVNAF and the GVN] surmounted national and personal
crises which would have crushed most people and in spite of casualties which
would have appalled and probably collapsed the United States, they could still
maintain over one million men under arms after more than ten years of war. The
United Kingdom did just that, proportionately, in 1917 after three year of war
but never again. The United States has never done it (emphasis added)."30
Correspondent Peter Kann, far more enlightened than many of his
journalistic colleagues, also weighed in, following Saigon's defeat:
"South Viet Nam did manage to resist for a great many years
and not always with a great deal of American help. Few nations or societies
that I can think of would have struggled so long."31
Did "Viet Namization"work? Had RVNAF matured and grown
into a capable fighting force? It can be argued it did, only to be eviscerated
by lethal aid cutbacks. A 1974 survey of U.S. generals who served in Viet Nam
asked how well "Viet Namization"had succeeded. The answers:
1) ARVN is very acceptable fighting force 8%
2) ARVN is adequate and chances of their
holding in the future are better than fifty-fifty 57%
ARVN will make it against a firm 25% push in the future by VC/NVA
Answer 10% (32)
Thus, 65% of commanding generals gave RVNAF (in this case
'ARVN') a positive vote, yet these responses may have a built-in downward bias.
It is not known how many of the U.S. generals served their tours in, say, 1966
or 1967, before RVNAF had embarked on its greatest improvement. It is not
revealed just what role any of these officers served, with whom, and to what
extent they were intimately familiar with RVNAF as a whole, the increasing
effectiveness of RF/PF, etc. Nor was the question asked: "How would US
troops have fared, in 1974-1975, under supply cutbacks suffered by RVNAF?"
What can be said with certainty is that RVNAF, from 1968 on, accomplished far
more than is generally known, that RVNAF units developed such proficiency that
they were able to withstand and eventually defeat, NVA invaders in 1972, often,
in the case of RF/PF, without massive artillery or tacair fire support. What
also can be said with certainty is that American understanding of this is
abysmally and disgustingly low.
Another very important factor that many commentators overlook
and remain ignorant of was the younger generation of RVNAF officers and NCOs
who were dedicated to the cause of a non-communist Viet Nam. They were open,
candid, rational and honest, acknowledging, for example, that the Montagnards
should not be treated as inferiors, that corruption need to be attacked, and
that the a new Viet Nam need be forged, freed from shackles of the past. Many
of these people were well-positioned to dodge the draft or secure a safe non-
combat position; they did neither, and could be found in serving in high-risk
combat positions, as volunteers.
Their attitudes were articulated by one
young RVNAF officer:
".. the people my age joined the military
[RVNAF] because we had an ideal and we understood what it was to
live in a free world and to live in a
Communist world. It was not like people said, that those who joined the
military were just conscripted into the service and didn't have
any ideas of their own. But the Americans never seemed to understand
that."33 Tran Quoc Buu was chairman of RVN's Labor Confederation,
equivalent to America's AFL-CIO. He had influence and could have arranged for
his son to find safe duty, much safer than his position as an ARVN infantry
officer. In the closing weeks of RVN's existence, while pounded with NVA
artillery and desperately short of munitions, Buu's son wrote him a letter:
"You must explain to them [Americans] the gravity of our situation They have to provide the military and
technical aid they had promised. I beg
you Father, to intervene with them. Otherwise, we will be crushed and defeated.
We are not cowards. We have no fear to die................................................................. In
any event, I will hold my position and not
Tran Quoc Buu's son was killed in action. Dr. Phan Quang Dan was
minister of refugee resettlement, a former opponent of Ngo Dinh Diem, and known
for his honesty. He had the power and influence to keep his son, Phan Quang
Tuan, out of harm's way. Neither accepted this option and Tuan volunteered to
fly A-1E Skyraiders, used solely and expressed for close tactical air support.
After killing 7 NVA tanks along the DMZ during Hanoi's '72 offensive, Captain
Tuan was shot down and killed by NVA anti-aircraft fire.35 These individuals
were not unique. This author routinely encountered young gunship pilots,
rangers, marines, airborne, all volunteers for hazardous combat duty, and all
of whom were repulsed by the idea of a communist Viet Nam, and the continuation
of business-as-usual corruption emanating from Saigon. One of the more poignant
examples of dedication to the nationalist cause occurred when cadet officers
from RVN's Da Lat military academy prepared to make their last stand, as
witnessed by French correspondent Raoul Coutard who encountered them moving out
to block advancing NVA units:
"'You are going to be killed?' 'Yes,' answered a warrant
officer. 'Why? It is finished.'
'Because we don't want communism.' And, bravely, these young
cadets in their beautiful new uniforms, their well-polished shoes, went to get
themselves killed."36
The Truong Thieu Sinh Quan, in Vung Tau, was a boarding school
and military academy for Viet Namese youth whose fathers died in the war. When
the end came, the 12- and 13-year boys sent the smaller children home,
barricaded the school, and engaged advancing NVA units:
kept fighting after everyone else surrendered! Many of them were killed. And when the Communists
came in the cadets fought them. The
Communists could not get into that academy."37
People of caliber were rising in RVNAF's ranks, and exigencies
of the situation forced greater reliance on promotion based on ability, not
political reliability or family connections.
The American news media failed, utterly and pathetically, in
Viet Nam, far, far more than the military forces, RVN, US and allied, they
frequently condemned with smug and presumptuous inferences. A survey of 9,604
broadcasts by NBC, CBS and ABC, from 1963 to 1977, clearly showed the
inadequacies of television reporting(sic). 67 (0.7% of total) dealt with RVNAF
training. 79 (0.8%) with Pacification. 256 (2.7%) with either RVN or Cambodia
government or military. A total of 392 broadcasts, comprising 2.7% of all
television news coverage of Viet Nam.38 There was nothing about the more than
200,000 VC/NVA hoi chanh vien(defectors), nothing about RVNAF forces that
fought well. Nothing about the famed "Kingbees,"RVN helicopter pilots
who saved lives of US Special Forces elements under fire along the Ho Chi Minh
Trail. Most if not all Americans recall the dramatic photo of the Chinese man
who stood before a tank in Tiananmen Square yet no one knows of RVN Marine
Sergeant Huynh Van Luom who stood on the Dong Ha Bridge and stopped an NVA tank
column, firing his LAW anti-tank missile:
"The spectacle of this 95-pound
Marine lying in the direct path of a 40- tank, which had no intention of
stopping, was in one respect incredibly mad. In another, more important
respect, it was incredibly inspiring to a pathetically thin defensive force and
to many refugees, few of whom had ever witnessed such an act of defiance and bravery................. The extraordinary
bravery of this one South Viet Namese Marine had caused an
armored attack, which until that moment had been almost certain
of success, to lose its momentum."39
In a telling instance of news media myopia, reporter Donald Kirk
exhibited absolutely no interest in visiting the ARVN 7th division, where,
under the leadership of Gen. Nguyen Khoa Nam, the 7th had become an extremely
effective unit, whose members appreciated the division farm Gen. Nam
established to alleviate economic hardships of his troops. Yet when Kirk and
other reporters were detained at an NVA road block, and later set free, Kirk
was upset that he didn't have the chance to talk with the NVA:
"I kept thinking how much they looked like they were
right out of the movies. They
seemed to be like regular
guys, you know. I only wish we could have stayed and talked to
them longer."40
Mr. Kirk can rest assured that 7th
division troops were "regular guys,"well worth talking to, and
learning from. He, like the much of the news media, was not interested and
there is little mystery as to why most Americans who served in Southeast Asia
view the news media with bitter contempt.
Had the news media made any attempt to connect with the Viet
Namese people and troops they would have found, as I did time and time again,
that they viewed Hanoi's communism with contempt and disgust, as a betrayal of
Viet Nam's culture and values. They were not fighting, and dying, to protect
the "corrupt Thieu regime"but to secure a better life for their
people, their children, and their country. In an extreme expression of this
view, one Viet Namese Marine enlisted man told me that after they'd finished
with the NVA they were going to turn their guns on Saigon corruption. The
dismal and tragic events that followed after 1975 verify the logic and validity
of their commitment. The entertainment media and American education have done
no better and remained content to repeat if not embellish media-established
mythology. A widely used high school history textbook's Viet Nam chapter has no
mention of RVNAF to speak of, saying only that "Viet Namization
failed,"and otherwise incorporating over 200 demonstrably false or grossly
misleading statements in just over 13 pages of text. There is mention of the
Cambodian Incursion, yet no indication that more RVNAF troops were involved-29,000-than the 19,300 US
troops committed, or that RVNAF had previously conducted spoiling
raids against NVA positions in the Cambodia. RVNAF, as will be
the topic of another presentation here, was "invisible." Movies and
television are, some historical documentaries notwithstanding, even worse. Even
the film "Bat 21,"purporting to depict the rescue of LTC Iceal
Hambleton in 1972, inexplicably leaves out the fact that an RVN SEAL, Nguyen
Van Kiet, conducted the rescue with US SEAL Tom Norris, earning a US Navy Cross
for his valor and heroism. How can the American public expect to learn anything
when de facto censorship erases any and all indications of exemplary RVNAF
Finally, it needs to be acknowledged that RVNAF was saddled with
one serious burden that proved impossible to overcome: an amazingly inept and
disturbingly ignorant ally in the form of the U.S. government. An entire
seminar could be given on this subject – and should be. Pseudo-strategies
emanating from Washington were, in essence, criminally negligent. Nothing was
ever done to block and hold the Ho Chi Minh Trail, without which Hanoi's war
could never have been prosecuted. Nothing was ever done to engage in the
propaganda/counter- propaganda information war, which was, in the form of dich
van, a sine qua non for Hanoi's strategy, and one that was conducted with
diabolical deceitful brilliance. Nothing was done, until late in the game in
May 1967 when CORDS was set up, to plan and intelligently coordinate military
and pacification operations. Nothing was done to develop a theater-wide
coalition among Viet Namese, Laotians, Cambodians and Thais against a common
enemy, while Hanoi did just that, building an Indochina Theater command
structure to integrate all factors into a coherent regional strategy. America's
excuse for leadership was "mu loa", blind, and fumbled like a hog on
ice, like a "coc vang,"a golden toad, very wealthy but very dumb.
Counter-historical propositions can seldom be proven with complete certainty,
and perhaps the war was "unwinnable." Maybe. Yet those Americans and
Australians who served alongside their RVNAF comrades, "chien huu, ban be,
giong nhu anh em ruot,"carry with them the profound sadness of having lost
the venture, of having lost scores of dedicated friends, and also the great
honor of having tried to attain a better world for the common people of Viet
Nam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. They were not driven by sophisticated
concerns over world geo-politics, but rather by respect and admiration for the
many Southeast Asians who valued their country, who "the bao ve giang son
que huong." Much history remains unexplored, reflecting a continuation of
the American propensity to see only through American eyes, filtered by American
pre-conceptions. Some books refer to Viet Nam as an "American
ordeal,"never once asking what type of ordeal the Southeast Asians
experienced. An abundance of valuable historical information and astute
observations, without which full comprehension is impossible, is found in books
written by Viet Namese (and Laotians). Works by Ly Tong Ba, Ha Mai Viet, Pham
Huan, Phan Nhat Nam, Tran Van Nhut and others cry out for translation, as do
the dozens of articles published in Viet
Namese military journals and publications each year, many of
them describing battles, developments, and personalities that are completely
unknown to American historians. Failure to consult these sources ensures that
Viet Nam, and Hanoi's Indochina war, will both remain indecipherable enigmas,
and that RVNAF's real history will remain buried under layers upon layers of
myth, ignorance, and unfounded conjecture.

Stuart Herrington's
Silence Was A Weapon (Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1982), later re- published as
Stalking the Viet Cong, remains the sole narrative of Hau Nghia RF 1972 battles.
James H. Willbanks,
The Battle of An Loc (Bloomington, ID: Indiana University Press, 2005), pp. 140-141.
3. Personal interview with author, December 1993.
Brigadier General
James Lawton Collins, Jr., The Development and Training of the South Viet Namese
Army (Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army, 1975), p.
The author saw the
report on this event, which occurred in Vinh Long Province, sometime in early
1975. It is not known if the report still exists or even made it out of Viet Nam.
See Herrington,
Silence Was A Weapon for commentary on abduction and proselyting of PSDF.
Frank Brown, Delta
Advisor (Bennington, VT: Merriam Press, 1990), (both incidents) p. 12.
General Lam Quang
Thi, Autopsy-The Death of South Viet Nam (Phoenix, AZ: Sphinx Press, 1986), pp.
49- 50.
9. Dr. Lewis Sorley, A Better War (New York: Harcourt Brace
& Company, 1999), pp. 274-275.
No known
comprehensive study of MATs has been conducted. There were approximately 350 of
these small teams deployed after 1968, primarily assisting RF and PF units.
This topic needs and deserves research.
David Donovan, Once
A Warrior King (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985), pp. 151-152.
12. John Cook, The Advisor (Philadelphia, PA: Dorrance &
Company, 1973), p. 167. Reprint: (NY, Bantam
Books, 1987), p. 181.
One former advisor
told the author he was and is sure his fellow advisor was shot by bad elements
of the troops he advised. Another told the author he was directly threatened by
his counterpart and was reassigned to another province. This was not a common occurrence.
14. Howard C.H. Feng, The Road to Ben Hai, master's thesis,
University of Hawaii, 1987, pp. 108-109. 20
David Chanoff and
Doan Van Toai, Portrait of the Enemy (New York: Random House, 1986), pp. 74-75)
p. 185.
Author read this
POW's interrogation report, which included description of circumstances of capture.
American forces in
Viet Nam: Michael Clodfelter, Viet Nam in Military Statistics (Jefferson, NC:
McFarland Press, 1995), p. 253; VC/NVA battalion-sized attacks and small scale
attacks: Clodfelter, p. 151; terrorist attacks: Philip Davidson, Viet Nam At
War (Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1988), p. 633; percentage of secure hamlets:
Gunter Lewy, America In Viet Nam (London/New York: Oxford University Press,
1978), p. 192; Viet Namese civilian hospital admissions: Lewy, p. 443;
assassinations and abductions: Lewy, p. 454; rice planting area: Nguyen Anh
Tuan, Viet Nam-Trial and Experience (Athens, OH: Ohio University Center for
International Studies, 1987), p. 399. [[Note: Clodfelter's excellent work is
badly mis-titled. While it does have abundant statistics it also contains a great
deal of narrative history, regarding both Viet Nam adjoining countries of Laos, Cambodia, Thailand. Highly recommended.]]]]
Cited in Michael
Charlton and Anthony Moncrieff, Many Reasons Why-The American involvement in
Viet Nam (New York: Hill and Wang, 1978), p.
Jeffrey Race, War
Comes to Long An (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1972), p. 270.
Stanley Karnow, Viet
Nam, A History[sic] (New York: Viking Press, 1983), p. 595. Author of this
paper is willing, at any time, to discuss how and why Karnow's work is, and
there's no other way to put it, sloppy, shoddy
Mark Moyar, Birds of
Prey (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute
Press, 1997), p. 180. The author knew Colin personally; he was caustically
honest and candid and was not reluctant to verbally demolish fatuous
Douglas Pike, Viet
Nam and the Soviet Union (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1986), p. 93.
23. Norbert Simon, "The Nails-FACs in Viet Nam,"
Military, Vol. XIX, No. 4, September 2002, p.
Sorley, A Better
War, p. 338
25. Col. William E LeGro, From Ceasefire to Capitulation (Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Army Center of Military History, 1981). Seven Mountains: pp. 66-67. Tri
Phap: 89-91. Captured document read by author in Viet Nam, 1974. No known
copies exist.
Oliver Todd, Cruel
April (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1987), p. 438.
27. Thi, Autopsy-The Death of South Viet Nam, p. 7.
28. Anthony B. Lawson, Director of Special Studies, US
Defense Attache Office, Saigon, RVN: Survey of
the Economic Situation of RVNAF Personnel(Phase III). Tab B, unnumbered
8th page, Question A15.
Sir Robert Thompson,
Peace Is Not At Hand (New York: David McKay, 1974), p. 58.
31. Cited in Anthony Buscaren, editor, All Quiet on the
Eastern Front (Old Greenwich, CT: Devin- Adair Company, 1977), p. 122.
32. Douglas Kinnard, The War Managers (Hanover, NH:
University Press of New England, 1977), p.153.
Compendium of Viet
Nam news broadcasts, by subject matter, prepared by Professor Lawrence Lichty,
submitted to The Viet Nam Project, WGBH
Television, Boston. Author photocopy undated.
34. Larry Engelmann, Tears Before The Rain-An Oral History of
the Fall of South Viet Nam (New York/Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1990), p. 233.
Thi, Autopsy-The
Death of South Viet Nam, pp. 17-20.
Ray Fontaine, The
Dawn of a Free Viet Nam (Brownsville, TX: Panamerican Business Services, 1992), pp. 100-105.
37. Raoul Coutard, "L'Adieu Saigon,' (Date/publication
unk.) cited in Phan Vinh Kim, Viet Nam-A Comprehensive History (Solana CA : PM
Enterprises, 1992), p. 520. 38. Engelmann, Tear Before the Rain, p. 256.
Col. G. H. Turley,
USMC, Ret. The Easter Offensive (Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1985), pp. 134-135.
40. Sam Anson, War News (New
York: Simon & Schuster/Touchstone, 1989), p. 85. The author met Kirk in
Viet Nam and strongly suggested he write a story on the ARVN 7th and its
accomplishments, elaborating on Gen. Nam's integrity, tactical brilliance, and
dedication to a free Viet Nam. Kirk received this with all the enthusiasm of
someone hearing a phone solicitation for 21aluminum siding. He asked no
questions and simply walked away. Other advisors experienced the same disdain,
asking reporters to come and see how well their counterparts were doing, only to
be shunned with blank stares of utter indifference.